A-R-T Weekly Newsletter: Exploring Ideas of Culture Through Materials, Slime, and Our Emotional Bank Accounts
Welcome to our new weekly newsletter - A-R-T! Each week we will hand pick an article, a recycled project, and a thought to ponder for the week, delivered right to your inbox. We hope this will leave you feeling inspired, intrigued, and introspective.
Let’s get into it!
In her monologue formatted interview, written by David Eardley, we follow Rose Nestler through a variety of subjects, topics, textures, mediums, and emotions. She delves in to the intricate intersections of art, feminism, consumerism, and self-identity in this thought-provoking article. From navigating the complexities of social media as a tool for both promotion and personal exploration to dissecting the allure and contradictions of beauty products in the age of digital metrics, the author candidly explores the dichotomies of participation and resistance within contemporary culture. With each revelation, the author unveils layers of meaning, inviting us to question our perceptions and redefine our relationship with materiality, gender roles, and the essence of creativity itself.
As we ponder the complexities of contemporary culture, let's dive into a tactile journey inspired by Rose: DIY slime.
Photo by One Little Project
While we might not always think of using household items in a new way as “recycling”, we are giving a new life to a material or substance we might not have another use for, or something we use infrequently. The intention behind the recycled project aspect of our newsletter is to give you ideas of projects you can make without having to buy anything new - to use what you already have.
This weeks project is fluffy slime! While slime is often thought of as something for children, it has grown hugely popular both on social media, and in the lives of many adults. Not only is it fun, it can also be a way to keep your hands busy and act as a stress reliever.
What you’ll need:
contact solution
shaving cream
baking soda
acrylic paint
Take your pick of video instructions or written instructions for this simple & fun activity!
Last but not least, our thought to leave you with this week is based on the concept of emotional bank accounts
Just as we deposit and withdraw funds from a financial account, we also make emotional “deposits” and “withdrawals” in our relationships. This is a concept that exists within many of the relationships in our lives, not just romantically. Acts of kindness, empathy, and understanding serve as deposits, while criticism, neglect, and insensitivity constitute withdrawals. Every person will have slightly different criteria on what may feel like a deposit or a withdraw, based on what values they hold and how they like to receive care. By cultivating thoughtful and intentional interactions we can nurture healthier, more fulfilling connections with those around us. Small gestures of appreciation, active listening, and genuine empathy can all contribute to building emotional wealth in our relationships. Moreover, understanding the importance of balance and reciprocity reminds us to approach our interactions with intentionality and care, being mindful and proactive about the ways we contribute to those around us.
What are a few things you can do this week, and this month, to make some deposits into your relationships? Take note of your current “bank balances” are there any relationships that could use a boost?
Catch you next week!
- Danni