A-R-T Weekly Newsletter: Dreamy Pools, DIY Terrariums, and Bridging The Gap to Your Dream Life

Welcome to our new weekly newsletter - A-R-T! Each week we will hand pick an article, a recycled project, and a thought to ponder for the week, delivered right to your inbox. We hope this will leave you feeling inspired, intrigued, and introspective.

Let’s dive in!

Our article this week includes a brief interview with Jared Pike, a 3D artist known for his imagined liminal pool rooms. These ethereal 3D renders are absolutely mesmerizing, and are both eerie and unbelievably beautiful.

Our recycled project of the week is making a DIY terrarium! If you have any old jars lying around, this is a great way to put them to use and give them a new life. You can use any sized jar or clear glass container. A mason jar, fish bowl, aquarium, or wine bottle could all potentially work!

Terrariums are essentially a miniature ecosystem composed of rocks, soil, and plants. They can be closed or open, but when fully closed they create their own atmosphere and need very little from the outside world other than sunlight. They’re a very beautiful, low maintenance, virtually self sustaining way to keep a houseplant. Try making one for yourself, or keep this in mind for an easy diy gift idea!

Last but not least, our thought to leave you with this week is:

What does the life I truly desire look like? What lives between the gap of where I’m at right now, and where I want to be? What is one thing I could do today, this week, and this month, that would help get me closer to my goal?

We hope you had a lovely eclipse, and we will see you next week.


A-R-T Weekly Newsletter: Exploring Ideas of Culture Through Materials, Slime, and Our Emotional Bank Accounts